Welcome to the first night of Middler I and II. We have twenty kids are attending this year. This year we also have included a shuttle in which six campers from Encampment, Rawlins, Dixon and Cheyenne. The staff is energized and well prepared.
This year the theme is “I Will With God’s Help” which comes from the Baptismal Covenant in the Book of Common Prayer. Each day we will go through a promise. It seemed that God wanted to contribute by having rain start our evening. As we said grace and blessing for the meal we asked that God could provide a break on all the rain and sure enough by the end of the meal, the clouds cleared up and the rain stopped. Now I don’t want to dismiss the power of prayer, but in this case it worked.
After dinner the campers were taken on a tour around the grounds. It is called a boundary walk. The purpose of this activity is to learn where campers are allowed to go for their own safety purposes. We concluded our evening together sharing our hopes and how will God help us to reach them. The final activity was to put together their journals. These journals include pictures of activities that they want to do or enjoy doing. It is about being out in nature and becoming more aware of God.
It is late and so I am calling it night. Stay tune throughout the week and you will read what the campers are doing.
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