“I struggle to find words for this particular camp and this group of campers. They were amazing. From day one they impressed me with their ambition, their kindness, and their abilities. Never have I seen a group of kids come together like this group did. They worked so hard and took responsibilities on themselves without being asked. One of the jobs here is to care for and look out for one another and they took that very seriously. Campers came in with various goals from challenging themselves and conquering fears to making new friends and having a lot of fun. Each of these goals was met, but none of it was done alone. We all worked together and with the help of God we were able to make some incredible things happen this week.”
-Charli Youngberg (staff); Saratoga, WY
“This camp has been one of the greatest things that have happened to me this summer! I feel like I have gotten somewhat closer to God. I think that the people here are wonderful, and the people I have met have been a blast to hang out with!”
-Hannah Channel; Thermopolis, WY; LDS“This is my 4th year coming to this camp and I am never disappointed each year. I’ve learned new skills, conquered my fear of heights and made amazing friends. I feel closer to God and that I can do anything with God’s help. My favorite part of this year was going on the high ropes courses and going on the hike with Catherine and Juli. I had a great time this year.”
–Nicole F. King, Laramie, WY“This camp is a great place to make new friends. This is my second year and I have always loved it. I feel closer to God and closer to the people around me. My favorite activities were the high ropes, rock climbing, low ropes, and hiking with Nicole and Juli. I had a great year and can’t wait ‘til next year.”
-Catherine Kerr; Casper, WY“The best thing at camp was facing my fear of heights and making new friends. The best friend was Natalie. She is exciting, so it Hannah. She burps a lot.” -
Selena Simmons; Thermopolis, WY
“I had some awesome times at camp this week! I accomplished my goal! My goals was to make great friend and meet new people. I met a girl named Selena and she is amazing! She faced her fears this week and she totally opened my eyes to a whole new goal! I also met a guy named Sage, he was awesome! We both had the same interests and we had some interesting conversations Lol. The best thing about camp was the bike ride, (I thought) it was so gorgeous and I rode 5 miles! I didn’t think I could do it, but I just kept telling myself I could so I got through it! I had a lot of fun with the counselors. I liked Ben McKay the best because he was so fun and goofy and talkative . I had a lot of fun this week and kinda want to come back next year.”
-Natalie Jessie; Laramie, WY“This was the greatest week of the summer! The high ropes and the low ropes were amazing. The hike was a major highlight. Climbing was so fun and really pushed my heights.”
-Grace Kirk; Laramie, WY; Saint Pauls“This was one of my best weeks so far this summer! I loved everything especially climbing and high ropes!”
-Ella DeWolf; Laramie, WY; St. Matt’s“This was the BEST week of my summer, so far. The quaking aspen trees shaking in the wind seemed like God quietly waving-none of those in TN! Everything was fun and new, and the only thing that could make it better would be MORE FOOD.”
–Erin Burmen, Knoxville, TN; Some church you’ve never heard of“Fishing! That’s it for now!”
–Kegan Johnson; Encampment, WY; Encampment Episcopal Church“What I loved about HR Camp is rock climbing and high ropes. I liked them because I liked going so high up in the air. I also liked mountain biking. I liked that because I ride bikes all the time. It was the best part of my summer. I will come back as many times as possible. I will hopefully be a counselor one year.” –
Grady Waeffelin; Wheatland, WY; All Saints Episcopal Church
“I loved high ropes, low ropes, cabin time, rock climbing, food, biking, hiking, and the people. I love the counselors. I really miss Analise and Catlyn. They were the best. Thanks a ton. I had lots of fun.”
–Elizabeth Spooner; Laramie, WY; Newman Center“I really enjoy this age group. They are a lot of fun and are very well behaved. God bless my campers .”
-Bethany Boyd (staff); Wright, WY“These campers are amazing. This week was one of the best in my mind.”
-Nicolle Davenport (staff); Thermopolis, WY“I saw positive changes in every camper this week, even campers who didn’t expected to changed. The pushed themselves further then they could have imagined.”
-Alli Strube (staff); Laramie, WY“I liked making new friends and seeing old ones. I also liked rock climbing and ropes course (tire swinging and giant’s ladder).”
-Sage Smith (12 yrs); Cody, WY; Christ Episcopal“I liked making new friends and doing new activities. I will definitely want to come back next year for the second time because this first time was great.”
-Sam Symes (13 yrs); Evanston, WY; Presbyterian Church“The one thing I’ll remember about HR Camp. The thing I’ll remember is the hike, because of the natural beauty. Also because of all the energy we exerted into what seems like 7 miles. Well this is kinda short, but just to sum it up. The hike was #1 on my list.”
-Jeff Bell (13 yrs); Big Piney, WY; St. John’s Episcopal Church“I will remember Hank. He was fun to have around.”
-Donald Jack (13 yrs); Laramie, WY; St. Andrews“It was a fun week and I hope I can come back.”
–AJ Smith (12 yrs); Torrington, WY; All Saints“One of the best memories of this week is riding in the van to our hiking destination and basically bouncing in the seats.”
–Juli Cartwright aka Kyle (staff, 16 yrs); Douglas, WY, Christ Episcopal“Great kids=Great week”
–Ben Fisher (staff; 20 yrs); Movile, AL; St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
“Jr. High Adventure Camp- I would be difficult for me to overstate how impressed and proud I am of the group of kids we have had this week. They all came with clearly defined goals of what they wanted to accomplish, and to a person I believe they have achieved those goals. I have seen a maturity, willingness to help others, and a general respect and regard for each other that is so difficult to find in this age group. They truly could teach many adults what it means to “come to Christ as a child.” My one and only hope is that I have had even a fraction of the effect on their lives as they have had on mine, and I’m am immensely thankful our diocese has a place that can encourage children to develop new friendships, realize new potential within themselves, and grow closer to God.”
-Ben McKay (staff; 22 yrs); Laramie/Thermopolis, WY; St. Matt’s/Holy Trinity“I come back every year because of the same thing, amazing times, great food, and the pleasurable company of being around people without judgment.”
–Tyler Caldwell (staff; 16 yrs); Rock Springs, WY; Holy Communion